When it comes to taking care of others in times of crisis, most people know the basics: put the victim on a firm surface, cover them with a blanket, and check for signs of shock or a broken bone.Beyond that, it’s not always so straightforward. Some of the more advanced first aid tips can seem like they’re out of left field at first glance, but when things go south, they can make the difference between life and death.Whether you’re at school or work and someone gets hurt, or you’re attending a large event where someone collapses unexpectedly, being able to help out effectively is crucial for not only saving lives but also minimizing further damage to the victim. There are many first aid training secrets that can help you become more confident in your abilities to assist someone in need. Here are some examples that may help get you started.

Help the injured person breathe.

When someone has been injured and is in danger of passing out, it’s crucial that you help them breathe. You don’t need to be a medical professional to do this; instead, this is a simple first aid technique used to bring someone back from the brink of death. You can do this by covering their mouth with your hand and placing your other hand on their chest. With their mouth covered, they’ll be able to breathe easier and be less likely to inhale any dirt or debris.If they’re unconscious, you can also use your fingers to press on the part of their neck where the carotid artery is found. This is the main artery that supplies blood to the brain and, if left unchecked, could lead to death. Pushing on the carotid artery can help force blood into the brain and bring them back to consciousness.

Check for signs of shock.

Shock is a dangerous condition that occurs when the body is unable to cope with trauma and the amount of blood in the body becomes dangerously low. If someone has sustained a significant injury, it’s important to check for signs of shock and treat it quickly and effectively. If you suspect someone has been injured and may be suffering from shock, you should place them in a position with their feet elevated to increase blood flow to their heart and brain.If the person is still unconscious and has no pulse, give them artificial respiration. You can do this by covering their mouth with your hand and placing your other hand on their chest. With their mouth covered, they’ll be able to breathe easier and be less likely to inhale any dirt or debris.

Use an eye shield to protect sensitive eyesight.

If someone is experiencing vision loss, you can use an eye shield to protect their eyes from the surrounding environment and prevent further damage. Eye shields are typically made of plastic, and are available in a variety of shapes and sizes. You can apply an eye shield to the eye(s) of a person experiencing vision loss by covering their eyelids with the shield and securing it with medical tape.Eye shields are a great way to protect sensitive eyes from harmful conditions such as smoke, dust and debris, ultraviolet light and more. They also come in handy in outdoor environments where there may be insects flying around.

Use a tourniquet to prevent or stop blood loss.

If a person is suffering from a significant blood loss, you can use a tourniquet to stop the flow of blood and prevent further injury. Tourniquets are available in a variety of materials, including cloth and string, and can be tied around a limb near the body to help restrict blood flow.Tourniquets should be used with caution and only by trained medical professionals. It’s important to note that if the person being treated with a tourniquet is still conscious, they should be given adequate pain killers to help them cope with the pain. Tourniquets should be used with caution to prevent permanent injury.

Apply pressure to stop bleeding.

If a person is suffering from an open wound, you may have to apply direct pressure to stop the flow of blood. You can do this by covering the wound with a sterile bandage and applying pressure to the area. It’s important to note that you should never place a bandage directly on an injury that’s bleeding heavily, as this can lead to the loss of more blood and injury. Instead, you should place the bandage on top of a clean, dry towel or piece of clothing.Depending on the injury and amount of blood loss, you can apply pressure for anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours. If the injury is sustained or severe, seek medical attention as soon as possible after the incident.


When someone is injured and needs assistance, it can be a scary and stressful situation. It’s crucial to be able to recognize signs of injury and know what to do in order to help the injured person. There are many first aid training secrets that can help you become more confident in your abilities to assist anyone in need.If you want to be more prepared for when this unfortunate situation occurs, make sure to sign up for first aid training. It’s an invaluable skill that you can use to save the lives of others in need.