As a part of their ongoing training programs, healthcare providers often cover first aid basics. There are many different types of first aid skills that healthcare workers can acquire, but they usually fall into one of two categories: simple first aid and advanced first aid. As the name suggests, simple first aid is designed for basic emergencies that don’t require advanced training. For example, it’s normal to need to assist someone who has a stroke or is having a seizure. However, more serious injuries like cardiac arrests, choking and drowning are usually best left to trained professionals. This is because simple first aid only has a short amount of time to save a patient’s life. Advanced first aid, on the other hand, is much more complex and involves treating serious injuries or conditions such as infections, diabetic shock and nerve damage. It’s important to note that many organizations don’t provide advanced first aid training for employees – but if yours does, it’s important to review the material beforehand to make sure you know what you’re getting into before you take the course.

What Should You Know Before Taking a First Aid Course?

When you sign up for a first aid course, you’ll most likely be required to complete a health assessment before you can take the actual course. This will allow instructors to determine what your training needs are and if they are even needed. If you have any medical conditions or are pregnant, you may not be able to take the course. Also, if you’ve recently undergone surgery or have a history of serious injuries, you may not be able to complete certain exercises. It’s also important to note that not all first aid training courses are the same. For example, one organization may teach you how to perform CPR, while another may teach you how to use an AED (Automated External Defibrillator). It’s your responsibility to make sure you’re taking the right course for your specific needs.

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

CPR is the most important first aid skill you can learn. It is a form of artificial respiration that can save the lives of people who have stopped breathing after suffering from cardiac arrest. To perform CPR, you’ll need to be certified and follow strict protocol. The American Red Cross recommends that everyone over the age of 13 learn CPR. However, it’s important to note that the AHA (American Heart Association) and the American Red Cross both have different protocols when it comes to performing CPR on adults and children. If you’re taking a first aid course, you’ll learn how to perform CPR on adults and children of all ages.


For a choking victim, the first thing you should do is check to see if they're conscious. If they are, you should give them water or a food substance to aid in the process of clearing the blockage. If they're not conscious, you should give them a gentle slap on the back or front of the neck to try and force oxygen back into the lungs. If they're still not responding, you should attempt to use an AED to perform CPR.Choking is one of the most common causes of death in the U.S., so it’s important to know how to save a choking person. You can learn more about choking by watching this video from the American Red Cross.

Cerebral Hemorrhage

If a person suffers a massive cerebral hemorrhage, the best thing you can do is apply pressure to the wound to help prevent them from bleeding to death. You can do this by applying pressure to their wound with a clean cloth, pressing their wound against a hard surface like a table or a wall, or placing them on their side so their wound is in a position that allows them to lie as flat as possible.If a person experiences a large amount of blood loss, you should attempt to slow the blood flow by covering the wound with a tourniquet. The tourniquet should be as tight as possible without cutting off blood flow to the affected area. You can read more about tourniquets in this article from the CDC (Centers for Disease Control).

Bleeding Control

Bleeding control is used when a person has severe internal bleeding. If you’re assisting someone with internal bleeding in a public place, you should place them on their side and apply pressure to their wound. You can use a thick, clean towel or piece of clothing to apply pressure to their wound. You should also place a clean towel over their wound to protect it from dirt or debris.If the bleeding is coming from their mouth, you should cover their wound with a clean hand to trap the blood inside. This will help to slow the flow of blood and prevent the person from becoming drowsy from blood loss and passing out.


When someone is drowning, the best thing you can do is attempt to save their life. However, it’s important to remember that there’s a chance that you may not be successful. If someone is drowning, you should shout for them to try to keep them above the water. If there’s a child that’s drowning, you should hold them in the water at a 90 degree angle so they can’t regain their balance.If you don’t know how to perform CPR, you should attempt to keep the person above the water until help arrives. If there’s a child that’s drowning, you should place them on a piece of furniture in a prone position. If there’s an adult drowning, you should place them on their side, on their back, or on their stomach.

Electric Shock

If someone is suffering from an electric shock, the best thing you can do is get them to a safe area. If you’re in a public place, you should use nearby objects as a barrier to provide protection. You can also use your hands to create a barrier.If you don’t know how to perform CPR, you should attempt to keep the person above the water until help arrives. If there’s a child that’s drowning, you should place them on a piece of furniture in a prone position. If there’s an adult drowning, you should place them on their side, on their back, or on their stomach.


When you’re ready to learn your first aid skills, it’s important to make sure you learn the right techniques. There are many different types of first aid training that you should master, and it’s important to get the right training to make sure you know how to properly assist someone who is injured.When you know what you should know before taking a first aid course, it will be much easier to learn the techniques and procedures that are necessary to help someone in need.