When it comes to first aid, you probably have a general idea as to what it involves. In most cases, the concept is that if someone is injured or ill they can be treated at home before they’re taken to a hospital. However, this is not always the case. There are many first aid scenarios that require trained assistance from professionals and not simple over-the-counter treatments that can be found in all grocery stores. To assist with this article, we reached out to our friends at the American Red Cross to see what they had to say about the most common first aid training treatments. From there, we dug into the broader world of first aid and how it differs depending on the scenario in question. Let’s take a look at some of these treatments in more detail now, including information on how you can make them accessible wherever you need them most (no matter how remote that might be):


The “ABC” approach to injury management is a method of triaging and prioritizing injuries based on the severity of each injury. This method involves asking the person with the injury or illness what activities they are doing, what body part is affected, and how long they’ve been experiencing pain. From there, you can decide what type of injury it is and what treatment you should provide. There are lots of variations on the “ABC” approach, but they all essentially involve asking the person what they are doing, what body part they are experiencing pain in, how long they’ve been experiencing the pain, and if they suffered any trauma as a result of the injury.


Cardiac arrest is the main reason we’re talking about CPR in this article. Cardiac arrest happens when the heart suddenly stops beating and blood flow to the rest of the body is interrupted. Without treatment, the person will die.CPR is a medical procedure that’s designed to help the heart start beating again by providing oxygen to the brain and the rest of the body. To do this, you first need to find out if the person is unconscious. If they are, you can place them in the recovery position with their chest facing you. You’ll then need to cover their mouth with yours to create a seal and provide another barrier between the patient and the outside world. Next, you’ll need to push in one breath every two seconds, with 30 seconds in between each cycle. Once you’ve done this for about two minutes, you’ll need to call 911 and tell them that you are providing CPR to the person.

Fracture Care

Fractures are one of the most common injuries in sports. If you suffer a fracture, you need to see a doctor immediately to ensure that it heals properly and doesn’t cause permanent damage. Fractures can be complex and difficult to treat, so it’s critical that you seek medical help as soon as possible.In some cases, however, you can provide first aid at home. For example, if you have a broken leg, you can treat this yourself by applying a splint or covering a broken leg with a bandage. However, if you have a broken arm, you’ll want to seek medical assistance as soon as possible.

Breathing For An Unconscious Person

This is one of the most critical first aid treatments for someone who has stopped breathing. You can perform this treatment in the following three ways:1. Check The Airway: Check to make sure the person has an intact airway. If not, you’ll need to perform the procedure again with an alternative technique.2. Give A Breathing Exercise: Perform an inspiratory breathing exercise that will help the person breathe. A standard technique for this is to place your hand on the person’s abdomen and then slowly inhale while exhaling.3. Give Aid After Asphyxia: If you need to give aid after asphyxia, you’ll need to place your hand in the person’s mouth to make sure they’re not trying to breathe. Then, use a device to provide artificial respiration.

Wound Care

Wounds are one of the most common injuries in the world. They are also one of the most difficult injuries to treat as they require a specialized set of skills, equipment, and knowledge. In most cases, you should call a doctor or an ambulance after you’ve treated a wound. However, there are a few occasions when you can provide simple wound care at home.For example, you can use gauze or bandages to stop the flow of blood from a wound. You can also apply pressure to the wound to help stop the flow of blood. You can also clean wounds using hydrogen peroxide. If the wound looks like it could get infected, you can cover it with a gauze or bandage.


These are just some of the most common first aid treatments. There are many more, including how to treat burns, bites, wounds, and many more. If you’re ever in a situation where you think someone might need medical attention, you should always try to get them to a doctor. But, if the injury or illness is minor, you can also provide first aid to make sure the victim is kept safe until the ambulance arrives.